grabbMODUL-4 (VM-004) ================== For startup with the grabbMODUL-4 please read section 1 of the manual L-612. The manual is located in the folder ..\DOKU. Folder overview: 1) Doku - manual of the grabbMODUL-4 2) FlashTools3 - PC-Software for the program download into the grabbMODUL-4 3) Modul_Programm - Download-File LOCAL_COM for the grabbMODUL-4 - Sources of the demo software for the Keil development-tools - Libarys and Startup-Files 4) PC_Programm - program for microsoft windows LOCAL_COM (for the demonstration) 5) Testbilder - picture grabbed with the grabbMODUL-4 Attention: On delivery the grabbMODUL-4 FLASH memory already contains the LOCAL_COM demo firmware. Please read the instructions in the manual to get started with the module. You'll find the startup-instructions in section 5.5: "work with Phytec firmware". PHYTEC (HF)