******************************************************************** The following Informations are for the PHYTEC BSP PD19.x on phyCORE-i.MX8M ******************************************************************** This cameras are currently supported: - USB-CAM-003H (with UVC Firmware update) - USB-CAM-103H (with UVC Firmware update) (trigger will not supported) - USB-CAM-051H (with UVC Firmware update) - USB-CAM-151H (with UVC Firmware update) (trigger will not supported) - USB-CAM-004H (with UVC Firmware update) - USB CAM 104H (with UVC Firmware update) (trigger will not supported) - USB-CAM-052H (with UVC Firmware update) - USB CAM 152H (with UVC Firmware update) (trigger will not supported) USB-CAM-x5x supported resolutions (2592x1944, 1920x1080, 1280x720 and 640x480) The following scripts are available: - usb_bwcam-fbdev_640x480 'a monochrome live image with a resolution of 640x480 is output on the display. - usb_bwcam-save_jpg_full_res 'a monochrome JPG is saved with full resolution. - usb_bwcam-save_raw_full_res 'a monochrome RAW is saved with full resolution. - usb_colcam-fbdev_640x480 'a color live image with a resolution of 640x480 is output on the display. - usb_colcam-save_jpg_full_res 'a color JPG is saved with full resolution. - usb_colcam-save_raw_full_res 'a color (bayer) RAW is saved with full resolution. Please copy all the files in the directory: /home/gstreamer_examples/phytec_usb_cam/ ******************************************************************* Note1: The UVC Firmware update can do only by PHYTEC at the moment. ******************************************************************** v4l2-ctl: v4l2-ctl can be used to change the gain or the exposure time. Use the following command to get an overview of the available functions: - v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video[x] -L To change some paramters the following commands can be used: - v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video[x] -c gain=xx (xx=16-63) - v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video[x] -c exposure_absolute=xx (xx=1-2500) Note: The driver must be loaded. ********************************************************************